My computer is sick (its running super dooper painfully slow and keeps timing out when I try to do anything on the internet....I'm suppossed to have high-speed internet.)
My child is sick.
My husband is sick.
I'm sick (Yes, mental counts...and yet they still leave me alone in a room with kids so I can teach them the ways of artistic lunacy.)(click on the photo of them...that's my group minus a few that weren't able to be there. This week we studied Monet's Regatta at Argenteuil. That's Ar-zjen-too....and you spit out that last syllable. They do good work!
My painting is...well...yesterday I decided to call it The Nature of Things....because it wasn't looking like much of anything (not that my paintings ever do). This morning, I'm a bit more pleased with it. Using astounding deductive reasoning, Kim correctly guessed that its is (suppossed to be) a group of Gerbera daisies. (never mind my orchid in the photo - its just their to confuse you....remember my mission, must drive the rest of the world mad so I'll appear as the normal one!). 1000 points to anyone who can guess where the butterfly is!
And the sweater which will inspire ugly sweater knitting across the world is taking shape. Here she is pretending to be a sweater on my dress form. One of the sleeves is knit to the armpit. Do you have any idea how many yarn ends will have to be woven in (1000 points to anyone who can guess to withing the closest 100!).
I have not had time this weekend to reply to any comments and I really really apologize. I will try to later today. Pooch asked if I sell my work - yes, its how I make my living. I sell through galleries and an agent, but I can send you listings of galleries you can contact to see work in personally if that was why you were asking (I have gallery locations throughout America, mainly concentrated in the south east. Email me at sherritzej@cox.net I also have a webpage which is
artwork of the mentally insane (Jeanette's artwork).