I really have been knitting....just painting and working more than knitting. I got two new knitting books from Japan....wow, puts American knitting books to shame as far as elegance. It has not been too hard to read: you just need to be able to read a chart pretty well (all of it is charted)...and its helped to have a friend fluent in Japanese (although she is not an experienced knitter). Is doable though. To get used to the format of the books, I'm making a washcloth for a dishclothe exchange. I know its pretty hard to see the stitch definition in the varigated yarn, but in person, its really pretty.
And the other photos are of a cake I did for someone's birthday at work (Happy birthday Katie!) and the painting is a somewhat abstracted path (can you tell what's going on in it?....and how does it lead you emotionally?).
I was glad to see that you had an update today. I love the painting, and I can absolutely see what's going on in it. It really reminds me of a hike my family used to do when I was a kid, the path followed a stream from the pond by our house to the big lake near us. We were in Washington State so the vegetation was different, but the composition is much like what I remember from those fun walks. I returned a few years ago to sadly find that the path no longer exists, the forest between our old neighborhood and the lake now full of houses.
I see you have a link to the knittyboards, so you're probably familiar with Fleegle's blog, she has had several posts recently about Japanese knitting books and translating the charts. In case you missed them, here are two:
I don't have any Japanese books yet, but I find the discussion and differences in style and construction really interesting.
Very pretty - more pictures of you modeling your work (any knit bikinis ?) would be appreciated-
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