Drop spindling (is that how its spelled?)

This is my new painting from the weekend created off of a stained glass work I saw recently. I'm sure that some of you can figure out what she is doing. And guess what??!!! I learned to do it! I learned to ply on a drop spindle. Its very slow work but it feels so personally satisfying. When I finally finish plying, even though I didn't spin the yarn, the work is going to feel so much more special. I'm not sure that I would ever want to learn to spin like on a spinning wheel, but this was a big start for me. I'm plying together some laceweight singles of silk and cashmere in a buff and shell pink color.
Classes with the children are going exceptionally. This week I'm having them do study's on wildflower fields following Monet's examples. They have struggled hard with the technique yet have produced some beautiful work.

Thanks for stopping by my blog! And CONGRATS on the gallery signing. That’s really amazing.
Nice to “meet” you!
Looks like your good things come in threes, learning to spin, great work from your students, and a new gallery contract. I'm very happy for you. I've checked out your artwork and I like it. I can't wait to see what you do with the silk cashmere combo.
Congrats on the new gallery!
A friend is going to teach me how to spin with a drop spindle, I can't wait to learn. I've been seeing all these great handspun yarns and want to try my hand at it.
Just starting out and want to learn. Thanks for the help.
- knittinginsteadofhousework.blogspot.com 8
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