Amazing Lace Update

The challenge for this week in the Amazing Lace KAL is to post on extreme knitting. You know, for a person who isn't always "all-there", I can't think of an extreme knitting example. I thought about climbing up on top of our roof and knitting up there for a while - you know, on the shingles, since I have shingles (sorry, bad joke). But I still hurt too much (whine) to go climb up on the housetop. So here's my photo, and the thought of my extreme knitting.....because, after all, isn't it the thought that counts?
By the way, there was an upset on the team this week. I predicted that Shingles would get cast off first, but somehow he's still here. Pink Diva Bear, though, wasn't so lucky. She's officially been thrown off. Her constant ranting about fashion trends kept causing doubt and confusion and hesitation for the rest of the team and nothing could get done. I couldn't knit with her, so I made an executive producer choice (as Nigel said he could make on the last episode of "So You Think You Can Dance" - yes I watch it!!!!) and she was outta here. With cashmere, you just gotta do what you love, and not worry about how long it will be in fashion. I hope the best for you, Pink Diva Bear. You're good, you just gotta figure out that you can't be trying to please the world when the world is constantly changing. Stop worrying so much about what's in and out, and start thinking about what you love and want. Be you! Its your most flattering look and will lead you into a much more satisfying direction in life.
Thank you for your kind comment on my blog! I stopped by to say, "Hi". Oh my, the shingles? I hope you are feeling much, much better soon. Your Amazing Lace partner looks great in spite of it!
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