The Amazing Lace

The full team is available. Jeanette is the one in the middle trying to sleep despite having a rather severe case of shingles. In her hand is the vallium she'll need to get through this. And then all the consultants, Barbara Walker, Quinacridonemagenta (the purple bear), Shingles (the fuzzy bear), pooh bear, pink bear who is the fashion expert, Mona bear (the black cocker, she's really Mona Lisa), and Gidget. Gidget is clueless about what is going on, but that's okay. Malteses have very tiny brains, like Pooh Bears, but they give lots of love and encouragement. Oh, can't forget the cashmere....that's a cone of dk weight from Colourmart. It has a name, but I can't remember it right now.
The title of the blog should give you some clue as to who or what I am. I am a highly dysfunctional phscho fiber artist who happens to paint....and who happens to have a bad case of the shingles right now. (The shingles will be voted off the team as soon as possible, no one is liking him right now and he keeps causing horrific muscle spasms across my ribcage. He's definitely on my last nerve.). BTW: Even though I am an artist and I COULD draw all the little holes and stitches, I'm going to be one of those minimalist arteests right now and let you imagine leaf shadows and rosebuds.
Your lace wrap sweater sounds great. Can't wait to see the progress.
What a cute team of yours, Jeannette! Cashmere, huh? How fancy is that! LOL
Good luck for the Race and Happy Knitting! :)
Isabelle aka Tricotine
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