Isn't it cute! I WANTED to do Vermeer's "Girl With A Pearl Earring" but my darling daughter wanted to do Teddy Bears......all the little girls just squealed with delight and got right to work. I guess they don't love the study of the Masters' works as much as I do. It was fun, though! We just threw the teddy bears in the center of the table and went at 'em!
On the knitting needles:
(more like what's NOT on the needles)
I've got a crochet project for Vickie Howell
My Grecian Tank is getting the cowl extended (I really want it longer)
I'm doing another Grecian Tank for my daughter so that I can make sure I get the upsizing correct (she's an adult large and I'm a small, and there is more to upsizing than just adding repeats)
Vogue's Yogo Wrap that I started before the Knitting Olympics is on the front burner again.
>Re: Grecian Tank Pattern Requests
For those who emailed me wanting a copy of the pattern for the Grecian Tank (yes, its my design for those who asked)....I'm almost done with writing it out for the small size, but I'm hung up in writing it out for the larger, so I'm knitting it quickly for my daughter and as soon as I have it done, I'll send out the pattern with both sizes on it (Its a very strethchy tank, so I think that the two sizes will be appropriate). If anyone is wanting a copy of the pattern, let me know and I will send you it through the email (my patterns that I write to this blog keep gettng lost down in the archives and I don't know how to put them on the sidebar). If you have already sent me an email and the small size is all you need, let me know and I'll send it out to you as is. I'm sherritzej@cox.net

I cannot get over your classes so one of two things - 1) the kids in your area are incredibly naturally talented or 2) you are the BEST teacher --or I guess there could be a #3 - a combination of both of the above. I am so envious of it all...
I would LOVE a copy of that pattern. My email is wilmingtonbahai@gmail.com, & I am on the knitting-chicks list.
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