The sweater body and sleeves are done and semi-seamed. I'm very pleased with the fit of the shoulders to the body. Next is the Marilyn collar. I am running out of many of my yarn colors and am debating with myself on whether I want to order more (thus increasing the cost of the sweater), or change the design to use what I have. I was thinking that I might do the collar in one color and then use some of my flowers to emellish it.....or, like the original design, stripes of vertical color, and then embellished with antique buttons.....or doing a vertical chevron border on the large collar (so the chevrons on the collar run perpendicular to the ones on the body).
My dad had a heart attack on Sunday so tomorrow morning I am flying home to Omaha to be with him through Monday. I wasn't prepared to be dealing with this yet - he's only 60, but I'm sure that he wasn't prepared either. I thank God that he is in a hospital right now rather than a mortuary. Their won't be anymore updates until I get home. Please be thinking of my family.
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