I've done quite a lot more work on my Wildflowers cardigan design. I'm now up to the elbows on both sleeves which marks the completion of the chrevrons. I'm PAST READY to be done with this sweater. This is the second making of it - the first one, as always, I did not write my pattern out - so this one I am having to look at the first sweater for reference and write out as I go which is quite slow. I should just write out my pattern from the first, and then work off a pattern....would probably go much quicker.
When I went out to Pensacola's LYS (King's Sewing Center - tons and tons and tons of yarns in a little tiny shotgun type room), I picked up 3 skeins of Louet's 100% linen. She had a store display in there of a finished garment that was exquisite in drape, but very strong. I want to design a tunic style blouse next ....and its taking every bit of my strength not to start it now. I'm looking for any tips on knitting with this product as I've heard that it can be fatiguing on the hands.
Now that my cast is off, I've been back in the studio quite a lot. Paint is my work and livelihood. Even though I can't return to mural work for a while, I need to return full time back to my studio - no more time for depression (I'm afraid that's what I've been going through and its gotten quite severe through this whole ordeal). I like to work abstractly for my gallery work and this one is no exception...its called, "Two Young Lovers" and is inspired from a Liz Wright song.

Its not quite done - but its getting close.
Good info
I stumbled on your blog from the knitting olympics link and scrolled down. This painting is amazing!
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