One Glass of Merlot later....

hmmmm... Its been a while, I guess (looking at the dates from my last post here). I have not been knitting much. Life has been quite busy - I work full time for a bank and am going to school full time working on my accounting degree (with grand hopes of passing my CPA right after graduation in the Spring of 2010). I'm currently a junior at UWF but am required to have 150 hours to sit for the CPA (at 90 now). All my midterms are over - survived with A's.
And sometime over the last month I found two sticks (size 10's I think, Holtz and Stein black ebony - glorious sticks!) and some yarn in my "stash" (yeah for stash knitting) and came up with this adorable sweater that knit up in just a couple of days. There's some waist shaping to give me a figure (because I am still a stick figure but definitely a little more curvy than your average pencil now).
The only and my incredible capacity for self-organization....I wrote the pattern out as I went along....(yes, I can be taught)...but all those little scraps of paper and the backs of the receipts (and maybe some on the back of a piece of homework)....what have I done with them? So pattern to follow at some point in the very near future (if nothing else, I'm definitely making this sweater again....Its perfect for throwing over my work shirts for giving me a little extra warmth now that its starting to get a bit chillier (and my work in Florida insists upon still running the air conditioner).
So details...waist shaping and huge scooping horizontal cable across the shoulders. (Click on one of the photos to see a close up of the cable...its kinda hard to see because of the dark color of the yarn).
check back soon! I promise...there are many more visions of sweaters in my head just waiting to be brought out (just need more time....and maybe a bit of help with these quadratic equations that I'm having to master for algebra class).