I really have been knitting....just painting and working more than knitting. I got two new knitting books from Japan....wow, puts American knitting books to shame as far as elegance. It has not been too hard to read: you just need to be able to read a chart pretty well (all of it is charted)...and its helped to have a friend fluent in Japanese (although she is not an experienced knitter). Is doable though. To get used to the format of the books, I'm making a washcloth for a dishclothe exchange. I know its pretty hard to see the stitch definition in the varigated yarn, but in person, its really pretty.
And the other photos are of a cake I did for someone's birthday at work (Happy birthday Katie!) and the painting is a somewhat abstracted path (can you tell what's going on in it?....and how does it lead you emotionally?).