Rapunzel & Lady Eleanor

This is the story of two fair maidens, Lady Eleanor & Rapunzel, who were left by their caretaker to knit themselves. And what did they do? nothing. The caretaker remembered them in their half finished state and decided to do something. In one day, she got 3 tiers done, or were those tears (I think it was some of both, but that would be the tale of David and Jeanette, who's story is one of tragedy so better for a different forum). Rapunzel will be gotten to. Why such an odd photo? Because she is bare-breasted on her left side(that's all I have left and then the sleeve.....interesting what I've started doing on sleeves....I knit them right on the finished garment so there is no seaming....it works out beautifully, just a bit heavy on the hands as you pick up stitches each row (rather than picking up all at once).
Anonymous Lisa, who left a comment on my last post, yes, I'm doing better, but I must ask: are you the Lisa who used to live her? Or the Lisa....? I'm sorry that I have to ask, but I'm quite curious but cannot email you.
btw: today is my birthday.