I dissappeared, didn't I? Hi Mom! (and anyone else who happens along).
In an attempt to finance my life (because knitting designers get paid very little relative to the work involved, and most artists are starving), I've taken a job at Michael's and have gotten a promotion. I work there as a Front End Supervisor (originally hired as temporary seasonal help). Its fun and fast paced and I really enjoy meeting the customers and helping them figure out what they need, but it is leaving little time for painting, knitting, and blogging.
The red kimono dress is now a top....I could see that I wouldn't have enough yarn to make it a dress so I bound off and made it a top. Now I keep looking at it and wishing it were a dress....so I'm ordering more cashmere from
Colourmart and when it comes in, I'll finish it off. (btw: this is an awesome yarn source for a product that I normally would never be able to afford....this cashmere dress, in the end, will cost me less than $75 USD to make!).

So, on the size 5's now is Debbie Bliss Merino dk in a golden yellow. Yes I realize that I don't have the boobage to pull off that deep of a neckline (it drops to well below the sleeve indent); I'm planning 3 little buttons there for the finishing.
Life is what you make it.
If you find yourself griping, stop. period.
If you find it hard, persevere. They're just rapids and they do subside.
If you find it intolerable, change it up. you are capable of making a better life than what you have.
If you find it remarkable, don't let anyone or anything in life kill your spirit.