Dec 06.05

....and what am I doing instead of housework or knitting Christmas gifts????? I'm making me a wrap! Lots of luscious color and texture in this piece. It will be a round tube constructed stole with a strong rib on the shoulder side to grip the shoulders and a cable that runs bottom to top. I'll post its finished photo along with the pattern as soon as I'm finished......which should be today since I have zErO motivation for housework or knitting that I should be doing.
btw: my foot hurts. its in a cast so that's really what's zapping all my motivation. I haven't had one pain free day since the accident Oct. 3rd. And yesterday, my doctor told me that I need to see an orthopedic surgeon now (2 months into the healing process). This summer, I decided that I wanted to learn to ride a motorcycle - some vain attempt at proving to myself that I'm not getting old and decrepid.....also, the gas prices were preventing me from getting to my knitting group of friends way way on the other side of town. I wanted to learn to ride a motorcycle so I could afford to go to the knitting group. Do you see how dangerous knitting can be???? BE CAREFUL PEOPLE!
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